Neighborhoods of Phoenix, Arizona
A local’s perspective: Let’s dive into the neighborhoods located in Central Phoenix and see what amenities, housing styles, and attractions they have to offer.
A local’s perspective: Let’s dive into the neighborhoods located in Central Phoenix and see what amenities, housing styles, and attractions they have to offer.
Choosing a mortgage can feel a bit like venturing into unfamiliar territory without a map. If you’re searching for Arizona home loan programs, we’re here to help you navigate your financing options with a bit of a crash course on
Most people don’t pay a whole lot of attention to the mortgage industry unless they have plans to purchase or refinance a home. Once you are in the market, though, you’ll quickly notice that mortgage rates and how they work
The age old battle of the 30 vs 15 year mortgage and which is better. Choosing the right mortgage term (period of time) is one of the most important decisions to make during the refinance or home purchase process. Below